Need summer activities for teenager parties, teens summer sleepovers, or family fun time activity ideas? These are even great Minute To Win teen party ideas, summer youth group games, youth summer camp games, or fun things to do with a group of teenage friends when bored in the summer and teenage party entertainment ideas!

15 Hysterical Summer Activities For Teenager Get Togethers
If you’ve been looking for super fun summer activities for high school students parties, you’ll love this list of party games! They also make great icebreakers teens activities!
Check out these fun party ideas for teens…
How do you entertain a teenager in the summer?
Wild and Wacky Summer Teen Games To Keep Them Laughing:
- Poop The Potato (*with at twist!)
- TikTok Challenge Station
- Slip-n-Slide Twister
- White Lie T-shirt Game
- Rainbow Candy Challenge
- Bob For Gummies
- Balloon Burst Obstacle Course
- Flamingo Toss
- Glow Foam Party Scavenger Hunt
- Ice Cream Sundae Game
- Sardines
- Speed Stack Challenge
- Giant Summer Olympic Games
- Water Balloon Dodge Ball
- Wink Elimination
Euphoria Theme Party (one of the most popular party themes for teens right now!)
Things To Do At A Teenage Sleepover
Here’s the list of fun games for teens (teenage summer party game instructions) … guaranteed to keep the loud sighs and teen eye rolls to a minimum!
These even work for games to play with my teenager during summer family time!
What games do you play in summer?Directions for Summer Teen Games
Mix and match these teenage party games for a full and fun summer party for teenagers!
How To Play Poop The Potato With A Twist
You may have already heard of the viral Poop The Potato game. (There’s even a game you get now!) It’s a hilariously fun teen game that will have everyone laughing!
Our teenager party game is a variation on the game Poop The Potato that we call Bomb the Balloon (or, if you want to get really teen gross, called it the BM –for bowel movement– Balloon Game).
You’ll Need:
- 2-3 buckets
- Water balloons (around 2-3 per person so you have extras)
- Towels (for after)
Here’s How to Play The Game:
- Divide the group into teams. (Be sure to let them know on the party invitation that you’ll be playing water games and to bring a towel and a change of clothes.)
- Have each team line up at one end of the yard and then place one bucket for each team at the other end of the yard.
- Each team member places a water balloon between their legs and must run to the bucket, turn around, and “poop” their balloon into the bucket without the balloon busting, and then run back to their team before the next team member can go.
- If the balloon bursts at any time, the team member must go to the back of their team line, get a new balloon, and then try again when it’s their turn.
- First team to get all their water balloons in the bucket without them bursting wins.
TikTok Challenge Station Games
If you have obsessed TikTok teens, set up TikTok games! At each TikTok station, have a prompt for a viral TikTok dance or song or a TikTok challenge. Whomever gets the most likes for each challenge wins! Give away fun TikTok themed favors (or a TikTok creator kit) as game prizes.
This is good if you need indoor games for teens, too!
For TikTok Challenge Party Games You’ll Need:
- Extension cords
- WIFI Password sign
- TikTok setups
- Charging stations
Slip-n-Slide Twister
Having an outdoor teenage birthday party or teen summer gathering? Slip and slide Twister is a fun take on two games for parties: Twister and summer slip-n-slides!
Again, for any of the water games or water balloon games, be sure to let teens know on the party invitation that you’ll be playing water games and to bring a towel, wear something they don’t mind getting wet, and to bring a change of clothes.
How To Play Slip n Slide Twister
- Grab some inexpensive Twister games (how many you need will depend on the number of party guests) — make sure they’re the ones with the OVERSIZED plastic Twister fold outs like this!
- Lay the foldout(s) outside on the grass. Wet foldouts down with water and dish soap (you can use a mop or sponge to spread the dishsoap around).
- Play the Twister game according to the rules, except the soapy water makes it much harder (and funnier!) to play the game.
White Lie T-shirt Game
The White Lie Tee Game is a twist on a the viral White Lie Party where everyone writes their white lie on a t-shirt. This is a super fun teen ice breaker game and viral birthday party ideas for teenager parties!
*On the invitation, be sure to ask guests to wear a tank or swimsuit top under the their clothes as they will be switching shirts. That way you don’t have to set up a changing station.
For The White Lie Party Game You’ll Need:
- Inexpensive white t-shirts
- Pieces of cardboard (to insert inside shirt so marker doesn’t bleed to back)
- Black Sharpie Markers
- Table
Here’s How To Play The White Lie T-Shirt Game
- Have everyone write think of a short white lie that they tell. (For example, “Sorry, my phone died” when they don’t want to answer someone’s call.)
- Each person writes their white lie on a t-shirt (don’t let others see!) and then places the t-shirt in a pile.
- Each person then picks a t-shirt and puts it on. They must then figure out which guest at the party wrote the white lie by asking only yes or no questions. (You can’t ask, “Is this your t-shirt” or “Did you write this?” or “Is this your life?” etc.) For example, if you the white lie on your shirt is sorry my phone died you could ask questions like, “Do you hate going out?” or “Do you sometimes ignore your friends?” etc. DON’T HAVE PEOPLE REVEAL WHAT THEIR WHITE LIE IS YET!
- Set a time limit (like 20 minutes). When time is up, everyone has to guess who the white lie on their t-shirt belongs to. You can even give away prizes to those who guess correctly!
Rainbow Candy Challenge Game
With the Rainbow Candy Challenge Game (aka: the Skittles Game). The goal of the game is to use a straw to suck a Skittle candy on the end and then place the candy into the cup. The one who gets the most candies in their cup when time ends wins the game.
It’s a fun Minute To Win It Game for teens and tweens (or even family challenges on family game night)!
For the Rainbow Candy Challenge You’ll Need:
- Multiple Bags of Skittles
- Table
- Straws (make sure they’re sturdy straws)
- Cups
How to Play The Skittles Rainbow Game:
- Have every player reach into the Skittles bag (without looking) and take one Skittle. That Skittle is their color.
- Give each game player a straw and a cup.
- Dump the Skittle candies into the middle of the table.
- Set a timer for 3 minutes. Using only a straw, each player must suck in the straw to stick a Skittle candy of their color (the color they drew from the bag) on the end and then place it into their cup.
- Winner is the person who has the most in their cup at the end of the time.
Bob For Gummies Game
Bob For Gummies is a mix between the old bobbing for apples game and a pie eating contest.
You’ll Need:
- Paper plates (1 plate for each player)
- Gummy candies (gummy bears, gummy worms, gummy fish, or any assortment)
- Spray whipped cream
How To Bob For Gummies:
- Place the same type and number of gummies at the bottom of each paper plate.
- Spray a tall layer of whipped cream over the gummies. (Do this right before playing the game so it doesn’t fall or deflate.)
- Have each player sit on their hands or place their hands behind their backs.
- On GO! Each player, using only their face/mouth (NO HANDS!) has to get all of the gummies out of the bottom of the tin. First person to get all the gummies out wins.
Balloon Burst Obstacle Course
For the Balloon Burst Obstacle Course, set up obstacle course stations where they have to pop a balloon at each station. The first person to get through the course popping all the balloons wins!
Ideas for Balloon Obstacle Course Stations:
- Step on balloons
- Sit on balloons
- Balloon toss
- Break water balloon over your head
- Throw darts at balloons
Flamingo Toss Game
Flamingo Toss is perfect for a teen summer themed party (or even a flamingo themed party) because it’s weird and crazy and fun.
The goal of the game is to get hula hoops over flamingo heads to win. You can even set up different stations where they have to do different things (throw backwards, turn around 3 times then throw, throw blindfolded, etc.).
You’ll Need:
- Large flamingo yard ornaments like this
- Hula hoops (we like this detachable set where you can adjust the size to your flamingos)
You can also do a human ring toss where you use huge round pool floaties and people!
Glow Foam Party Scavenger Hunt
A glow foam party is the perfect summer teen party and loads of fun! (Foam parties make great birthday themes for teens, too!)
This party with foam comes with a twist … make it a scavenger hunt!
You’ll Need:
- Camping tent (with sides)
- Foam blower and soap
- Bubble machine (optional, but super fun for this, too!)
- Various random and funny scavenger hunt items that can get wet — be creative! (think: glow in the dark rubber duckies, glowing glow sticks, light up ice cubes, plastic cups of different colors, one flip flop, etc. — don’t make them party items that will break if you step on them (put more items on the tent floor than is on your scavenger hunt list)
- Plastic sand pails (to put the scavenger hunt items in)
How To Do A Foam Party Scavenger Hunt:
- Assemble the tent.
- Spread scavenger hunt items around the bottom (floor) of the tent.
- Fill the tent with foam (as much as you can, but definitely enough to cover the floor a few inches).
- Turn on the bubble machine into the tent. (optional)
- Give each person a plastic pail to put their finds in.
- Everyone starts on the outside of the tent. Read through the scavenger hunt items (blue glow stick, purple duck, wooden spoon, etc.) and then say, GO! The guests go into the foam tent and search for the items. Continue to call out the items as they search. When someone finds an item, have them shout it out. Check it off your list and stop calling it out. The person who finds the most items wins.
Ice Cream Sundae Game
If you have kids who like gross things or love shows like Nailed It!, then definitely add the Ice Cream Sundae Game to your teen games for summer.
This game is kind of a food truth or dare for teens and kids, a taste test game, and is also a great idea for your summer teenage birthday party ideas (because you’re probably already serving ice cream!).
You’ll Need:
- Table
- Ice cream
- Ice cream dishes (we love these for an ice cream party!)
- Disposable spoons (have them get a new spoon for each new bite)
- Various fun ice cream toppings (sprinkles, whipped cream, candies, fruit toppings, chocolate chips, cut up fruit, squeeze chocolate, mini marshmallows, etc.)
- Different other weird toppings (garlic salt, ketchup, mustard, powdered Koolaid packets, hot chocolate packets, pickle juice, cheese in a can, cereal, etc. — the grosser the topping for ice cream, the better!)
- Dice
How To Play The Ice Cream Sundae Game
- Place a dish of ice cream in front of each guest at a table.
- Organize the toppings into four numbered groups: two groups with “good” toppings (Group #1 and Group #3) and two groups with weird toppings (label them Group #2 and Group #4).
- The first person rolls one die and follows these instructions:
- Roll a 1: Pick a topping from Group 1 and put it on your ice cream.
- Roll a 2: Pick a topping from Group 2 and put it on your ice cream.
- Roll a 3: Pick a topping from Group 3 and put it on your ice cream.
- Roll a 4: Pick a topping from Group 4 and put it on your ice cream.
- Roll a 5: Everyone passes their ice cream to the right.
- Roll a 6: That person must take a spoonful bite of the ice cream sundae (gross toppings and all). If they refuse, they are out of the game.
- Game ends when the person has taken the last bite of the sundae in front of them and wins or the last person left if others refused to take a bite of their sundae.
TIP: They have to choose a new topping each time and can’t repeat a topping until they’ve used all the other toppings in that group!
Sardines is a reverse hide and seek game that teens would have fun playing in the dark with flashlights (kind of like flashlight tag) or as glow stick party games for teens.
How To Play Sardines:
To play Sardines, one person hides and everyone else searches (individually) for that one person. Each time someone finds the hiding person, they join them in them (and anyone else) in the hiding space (packing in like sardines). The last person left has to find everyone else and loses the game.
Speed Stack Challenge
Speed Stack Challenge is one of those Minute To Win It teen games that everyone seems to love. (And it’s a cheap and easy party game!)
The goal of the game is to stack the most cups in one minute (without them falling over).
To Play The Cup Speed Stack Challenge:
- Divide the group into teams or play individually.
- Give each player/team a couple of big packs of plastic cups (buy in bulk like. this to save money).
- Set a timer for 1 minute.
- On GO! the person/team stacks cups one on top of the other to form a tower. Keep stacking until time is up. If a tower falls that person/team is out. The person/team with the most stacked cups wins!
TIP: Don’t throw the cups out after (unless they’re damaged). Wash and dry the cups and store them for your next party or use them for other party games or crafts!
Giant Summer Olympic Games
What’s better than hosting your own outdoor summer Olympic games for teens? Hosting a GIANT games summer Olympics and outdoor games for teenage parties! Great if you’re looking for physical games for teenager parties to get them away from their phone or high school outdoor games for a field day.
For Outdoor Summer Olympic Games, include teen game like:
- Giant Wearable Bounce Balls for human soccer
- Giant Jenga
- Yardzee
- Giant Tic Tac Toe (you could easily make one like this with pool noodles and Frisbees!)
- Yard Pong
- Sack & Spoon Races
- Giant Bowling
- Stomp The Jack (use really big cards like this to play Slap Jack–turn over the cards one by one on the lawn and the person who puts their foot on the Jack first wins)
- & MORE!
Divide into teams and keep score. Give fun Olympic medals like these at the end to the winners (give individual and team medals!).
GET MORE OLYMPIC PARTY IDEAS AT: Olympic Sleepover Theme Party
Water Balloon Dodge Ball
Water Balloon Dodge Ball is just like a regular dodge ball game, except using water balloons! Super fun if you’re looking for outdoor summer youth party ideas or water balloon games!
How To Play Water Balloon Dodge Ball:
- Divide your teens into 2 teams.
- Mark a “line” in the lawn with lawn paint or pool noodles. One team stands on one side of the line in the yard and the other team stands on the other side.
- Give each team a huge amount of water balloons. (We like to put ours in a little water in a baby pool to help them from popping early.)
- All at once every team member throws water balloons at the other team members (can’t cross the line!). If you get hit by a water balloon, you’re out.
- Team with members standing last wins the game.
Wink Elimination
Wink Elimination, aka: Wink Assassin, is perfect for teenage icebreakers or teen group games because it gets the teens communicating non-verbally in a really funny way. It’s also one of those teenage summer party ideas!
How to Play Wink Assassin:
- Have the group sit or stand in a circle.
- One person is The Guesser and one person is The Eliminator (The Winker/Assassin).
- Have The Guesser leave the group where they can’t hear.
- Have the group pick The Eliminator. Then, have The Guesser come back.
- Everyone looks around the circle at different people, making eye contact with them.
- The Eliminator secretly winks at a person (NOT The Guesser), trying not to let anyone else see, but especially not letting The Guesser see.
- The person who was winked at by The Eliminator waits a few seconds and then “dies” dramatically.
- The Guesser tries to determine who The Eliminator is before The Eliminator winks at the last person and eliminates them. If The Guesser is correct, they win the game and The Eliminator becomes the next Guesser. If The Guesser is incorrect or The Eliminator eliminates everyone before they guess, The Guesser is out of the other rounds.
MORE PARTY FUN FOR KIDS: 55+ Creative Summer Sleepover Ideas (Best Summer Slumber Party Tips for Kids)
Let us know your favorite summer activities for teenager parties so we can add them to our list!