Heard of Netflix sleepover party? Online sleepovers are huge for kids and now your kids can even watch movies together online during their slumber party with a Netflix Watch Party (TeleParty)! Add this to your list of virtual sleepover ideas!

What is Netflix Party?
Netflix Party is a free extension from the Chrome Browser. From the extension, you can watch Netflix movies, shows, and documentaries with a group of friends of family members in different locations.
What is Teleparty?
Netflix Party is now called Teleparty! In March 2021, Netflix Party changed to Teleparty to expand offerings beyond just Netflix. You can still download the Teleparty Chrome browser app for free. With Teleparty you can watch Netflix, Hulu, Disney, and HBO, with plans to add more channels/services.
How do Netflix Watch parties work?
- Users download Netflix Party extension from Chrome (TeleParty). (free)
- A person with a Netflix subscription starts a Netflix show using the special Netflix Party Chrome Browser extension.
- A URL is assigned to your specific party for the show you’re watching.
- Share the URL with the attendees who then join to watch at the same time.
- When users click on the show URL, they can choose a user icon and name so others will know who is commenting.
- Use the scrolling text chat feature next to the screen and you can communicate with others during the viewing.
Is Netflix Watch Party free?
The Netflix Watch Party Chrome browser extension is a free download. However, the user setting up the watch party will need to have a paid Netflix subscription in order to watch movies with others using Netflix.
Is there a Netflix party for Disney plus?
If you’re having a kids’ virtual sleepover, you may be wondering if there is a Netflix Party for Disney Plus? Actually, Disney Plus has their own online watch app called GroupWatch where up to seven people in the U.S. can stream a DisneyPlus video at one time. However, in its current state, GroupWatch only has the ability to send emojis during the viewing and not a scrolling text chat like Netflix. You can watch Disney+ through the new expanded TeleParty, also, if you have a paid subscription.
Is Netflix party safe for kids?
Netflix Watch Party (TeleParty) is a legitimate app and is safe to use because you set up who you/your child connects to online. However, if you have parental control internet services like Google’s Family Link, Bark, or others, you may not be able to download the Netflix Party extension. You will need to download the standard version of Chrome or set parental controls to allow for the app download.
You can learn more here if you have concerns about the it.