Summer Sleepovers

Throw An Awesome Back To School Sleepover Party

back to school sleepover with two young girls in crazy hair day wigs holding an alarm clock and school books

A back to school sleepover is a great, fun way to get ready for going to school. This fun and unique slumber party idea is perfect for kids and teens who want to have some end of summer fun with their friends before the first day of school. HOW TO … READ MORE

Backyard Camping Sleepover Ideas

Backyard Camping Sleepover Ideas - kids with tents around a campfire for backyard sleepover party

Thinking of a backyard camping sleepover or backyard camping birthday party? Here are tips to on how to make camping more fun at your house right in your own yard, including backyard camping party ideas and which kids pop-up backyard camping and sleepover tent is good (and even what to … READ MORE